Saturday, October 9, 2010

Top 5 Reasons I Loved Hong Kong

We woke up bright and early the following morning for our first flight in a month--bound for Hong Kong.  Although we had less than 48 hours in Hong Kong, I was easily able to compile my top 5 reasons on why I loved the world's largest vertical city.

1. The MC Hammer Pants seem to be the newest fashion trend for women.  Seriously, does it get any better than that? Of course, I was immediately ready to purchase until I actually saw myself in the mirror.  There is never, under any circumstance, a reason to add width to my hips or butt region. However, I am still a huge fan of the look and comfort of the trend.

2. Hong Hong hosts the largest laser light show in the world.  Our first night we walked to the harbor to witness the show--it combines the lights of the expansive and towering skyline with choreographed laser lights in rhythm with the Hong Kong Orchestra.  Truly a stunning spectacle!

3. First school field trip---to Hong Kong Disneyland! Hard to find the educational value in this journey, but truly a great time. I mean, we did ride Space Mountain six times. 6 is a composite number, so there you go.

4. Waking up in the morning to the Minnesota Twins playoff game with an extra special bonus of Carl Pavano's mustache.  You know life is good when you can lay in your pajamas, drink a cup of coffee, read the international paper and watch baseball in bed.

5. Shopping, shopping, shopping 24/7! Street vendors and many shops are open until the wee hours of the morning.  My watch tricked me at times, between the stores being open, the bright lights of buildings, street vendors hopping and thousands of people walking, it was hard to believe it was past midnight.


1 comment:

  1. There is a reason MC Hammer said "Can't touch this" when he was wearing those pants, right? You crack me up! I love reading your adventures and I cannot believe you still have 9 more months of them still to come! Alana starts bball soon. We will keep you posted!
